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Tiffani Harter (Tiff)

Tiff Harter Creative Services  
Orangevale, CA

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Orangevale, CA
Tiff Harter Creative Services

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Hi, my name is Tiffani Harter. I’m a coach, volunteer, gardener, creator, mom, leader, and all around gentle human living in Orangevale, California.

I support people to tap into their whole heart so they can live a life they are proud of. I didn’t really discover coaching and what set it apart from mentoring, training, sponsorship etc. until a few years ago, and I can’t help but think how helpful it would have been to have encountered it sooner. Questions like “where do you see yourself in [x] years” and “what are your values” always caught me flat-footed. I was so used to looking externally for direction (teachers, bosses, family, etc.) that my own sense of self felt absent from the driver’s seat. Yes, I got things done, and I took care of the day-to-day, but where was it all going? Was that the contribution I wanted to make? No, there was, and is, more in me.

I found coaching and feel like it’s a missing piece that’s finally clicked home for me. It’s helped me connect with my life’s intentions, values, and develop a clear sense of how I want to show up in the world for this one sweet life - and I’d love to share that with others.

I have been trained as a coach through the rigorous, ICF-accredited coach training program at the Academy for Coaching Excellence, based in Sacramento, California. I am a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and am pursuing my Associate Certified Coach credential.

I love people. I have an undergraduate degree in Anthropology and have spent over fourteen years in public service planning, managing projects, facilitating, writing, and helping to drive initiatives that lead to a better tomorrow. I am a Senior Fellow of the Nehemiah Emerging Leaders Program. I’m currently enjoying learning more about graphic recording and facilitation.

ICF Sacramento
3308 El Camino Ave, Suite 300-110
Sacramento, CA 95821
United States of America